Women's Household Drama: Loves Victorie, A Pastorall, and The concealed Fansyes
Winner of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender's Prize for Best Teaching Edition of a Work on Women and Gender Published in 2018
This volume presents three plays by women that were written in specific household contexts and survive in distinctive handwritten copies dating from their authors’ lifetimes. Care is taken in the introductions, notes, and apparatus to make the plays accessible to non-specialist readers while also preserving early modern orthography, punctuation, and manuscript practices. Each play is presented in an edited old-spelling text and set within its literary, biographical, and theatrical context. The volume as a whole foregrounds the early modern household as a uniquely productive setting for women’s theatrical and literary activity.
"This is an excellent volume, providing a scholarly, thoroughly annotated edition of three fascinating manuscript plays by early modern women writers: Mary Wroth’s Loves Victorie (based on the Huntington manuscript), edited by Marta Straznicky, and Jane Cavendish and Elizabeth Brackley’s A Pastorall and The concealed Fansyes, edited by Sara Mueller. All three plays have begun to attract considerable scholarly interest, but readers who are new to them will be struck by how lively and indeed performable they are. Based on sound texts and detailed introductions, this volume will ensure that these plays will receive the ongoing attention they deserve."
-Paul Salzman, Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University; Professorial Fellow, University of Newcastle (Australia)
MARTA STRAZNICKY is Professor of English Literature at Queen’s University. She is the author of Privacy, Playreading, and Women’s Closet Drama, 1550–1700 (2004), and editor of The Book of the Play: Playwrights, Stationers, and Readers in Early Modern England (2006) and Shakespeare’s Stationers: Studies in Cultural Bibliography (2013).
SARA MUELLER is a Senior Fellow in Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. She has published on early modern women’s household theatre, progress entertainments, and receipt books.
Early Modern Women 14.2 (2020): 144–147. Reviewed by Katherine R. Larson.
Modern Language Review 115.2 (2020): 447–48. Reviewed by Marion Wynne-Davies.
Renaissance & Reformation 42.3 (2019): 273–75. Reviewed by Mark Albert Johnston.
Winner of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender's Prize for Best Teaching Edition of a Work on Women and Gender Published in 2018
This volume presents three plays by women that were written in specific household contexts and survive in distinctive handwritten copies dating from their authors’ lifetimes. Care is taken in the introductions, notes, and apparatus to make the plays accessible to non-specialist readers while also preserving early modern orthography, punctuation, and manuscript practices. Each play is presented in an edited old-spelling text and set within...
book Details
Page Count:
273 pages
Publication Year:
Iter Press and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Series:
- The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 66
- Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 544